Tuesday, August 18, 2009

IFR Check Ride Oral Questions Preparation

- What to expect before/during/after a front passage (wind, temperature, pressure)
- Review GFA (T), NOTAM, Pirep (01 is urgent), Surface Area, reading winds from chart, Sigmet codes

Flight Planning
- Fuel Requirements: calculated flight time, runup/taxi/climb/flighttime, missed, alternate + 45 min
- Go through the Journey Log
H hundred hour (if for hire)
A annual
S static/pitot & altimeter check within 24 months
T transponder check within 24 months
E ELT within 12 months, ½ life of battery, or 1 hr cumulative use (Battery Past 2 years)
- Review alternate requirements (and use of GPS alternate)

- Review how to calculate distance from VOR/ADF
1. keep station to left or right - or other way to allow for degree change;
2. calculate minutes to station = seconds to change / degrees change
3. calculate distance by using ground speed

- How do we check VOR (other than the signal), and what is tolerance?
1. Air: Dual VOR cross check error should not be more than 4 degrees
(or 6 degrees when looking at ground landmark)
2. Ground: Error should not be more than 4 degrees
3. VOT: 180 - to, 360 - from - error no more than 4 degrees

- How do we check ADF (other than the signal) and what is tolerance?
+/- 5 degrees for approach, +/- 10 degrees for navigation
Check to see if the bearing is correct, use test button to see 90 degree deflection

- Go over the chart and map symbols
- What's the airway length/width
VOR: 50.8 / 4.5 degrees / 8 NM
ADF: 49.66 /5 degrees / 8.68 NM

MCA is Minimum Crossing Altitude
MAA is Minimum Authorized Altitude
- What's a VOR-A approch
Runway is more than 30 degrees from ILS approach
- VOR dots
two degrees
- ILS dots
1/2 degree

IFR Flying / Approaches
- Minimum deflection is 5 degrees on NDB or 1/2 scale deflection on ILS
- Where is missed approach commenced from?
DA in precision
MAP in non-precision when time runs out (not as soon as you reach MDA)
- Review procedures for off-site instrument approach
- Follow missed procedure as per chart

General Knowledge
- Need to fly within 60 min. of IFR departure time, or SAR will be initiated
- Need to advise ATC if changes to Route, Altitude, Destination
- Tell ATC when reaching altitude, leaving altitude

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