Friday, April 03, 2009

IFR Written Notes - Part 3 - IFR Weather

Know Symbols
- Continous (green)
- Showery (green)
- Turbulance (red)
- Freezing Level (red lines)
- Drizzle
- Snow
- Ice Pellets
- Freezing Rain/Drizzle - most severe from 0 to -15 degrees C
- Occluded
- Stationary
- Frontogenesis
- Frontolysis
- Line Squall (Purple)
- Severe Rain Squall
- Troval
- Continous Rain
- Intermittent Rain
- Thunderstorm

Sky Conditions
VV - Obscured
Few 1-2 / 8
Scattered 3-4 / 8
Broken 5 <> 5/8 coverage

- Date in Day / Month / Year
- valid for 6 hours
- IFR outlook area in GFA is valid for 12 hours
- 7 domains
- issued 4x a day 1/2 hour before beginning
- QS is Quazi Stationary moving <> 20 KT or Gust > 30 KT
- Cloud tops shown
- All heights in ASL
- IFR when <> 5 SM and > 3000 FT AGL

- Relative humidity is the percentage of saturation
- Dewpoint is the temperature air must be cooled for 100% saturation
- Warmer the air, more the water it can hold

- Calm if < style="font-weight: bold;">Icing
- severe in 2 degrees to
-40 degrees


- unstable cumulus
- 0 to -7 degrees
- smooth, heavy, formed from large super cooled
- spreads back
- forms on wings, etc.

- stable layered clouds
- 0 to -15 degrees
- small, formed from super cooled droplets
- opaque and granular
- builds forward
- forms on sharp surfaces
Got a question on the test - about if Clear Ice is worst in (a) cumulus or (b) stable and (1) most/least across horizontaly or (2) most/least across vertically - got all combinations of the above; I picked (a)-(2) - i.e. cumulus, most across vertically

Light - Dangerous if flight > 1 hr
Medium - Anti Icing required, divert
Severe - Immediate diversion - anti icing will not help

WS on Aviation report means SIGMET
- Short term warnings
- active TX, line of TX, heavy hail
- severe turbulance/icing, moutain waves, hurricanes, dust storms, low level wind shear - broadcast on IFR/VFR ATS frequencies on receipt
Got a question asking if I hear "SIGMENT Bravo" on the ATIS, what should do I - contact FSS, Contact Ground, Details given on Delivery, or details given in Clearance

- when not in GFA and not requiring SIGMET
- IMC, Freezing preciptiation, moderate iciing, moderate turbulance, isolated thundershowers
- >60 degree wind change
- Valid till next GFA

UACN01 <- 01 means urgent TA <>50% XTNSV

Winds > 20 KT - feathers point towards FROM wind direction
solid pendant means 50 KT?

CCA (1st)
CCB (2nd)

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