Friday, August 28, 2009

Preparation for Instrument Rating Check Ride

Separate IR training into components:
- depature
- enroute
- holding
- approach
- missed
Prior to Departure do a NATSE departure briefing:
1. NOTAM / ATIS / WEATHER / Weight and Balance / Flight Plan
2. cAp: Chart date, briefing point by point, frequencies (tower, departure)
3. Terrain: MSA, which way
4. Special Notes: departure, taxiing
5. Emergencies

- Brief passenger (treat exaiminer as passenger)
- Do NOT be taxiing while writing stuff down!!
- Do Taxi checks (gyros, VOR, ADF, auto-pilot)
- Before take-off, do a PTILT check (don't rush, do most of this prior to entering runway)
Pitot Heat
Instruments - when lined up look at airport diagram with any variation eg. RWAY 24 might actually be 236 degrees)
Lights - throw on landing lights
Transponder - ensure transponder is on

With every flight, copy down clearance
- ask for IFR clearance after runup
- copy down word for word
- repeat word for word
- make a note of this in your book, it makes it easier to record and read back clearance:
ATC Clears _________ (your plane)
To ________ (to airport you filed)
Route ______________ (this could be long)
Climb ____________
Contact ____________
SQUAK __________

- Attitude to 8 degrees, Power, then Trim
- Scan altitude, vertical speed, heading
- Give youself altitude countup -200 ft., -100 ft., -50 ft.

Level off:
- Attitude, Power, then Trim
- Start the level off -10% of VSI (eg. 400 ft/min - start level off at -40 ft. of level of alt.)
Straight and Level:
- Always Remember: Attitude + Power = Desired Performance
- Keep scan going and correct one thing at a time

- Always turn at rate one turn: 10% of speed + 5
- Come out of turn 1/2 angle lead in rolling out to a heading.

Steep Turns (360 degrees either left or right):
- Stabilize heading and Altitude
- Do a HASEL check (turn carb off); ask exaimer to check for clearing turns
- Enter into the 45 degree turn
- Add power as you cross the 30 degree mark
- Don't allow for nose to drop
- Come out at 20 degrees prior to selected heading

Unusual Attitudes:
- Watch Airspeed: Low - FULL power; High - power OFF
- Bring wings to level
- Watch Altitude: Climb (important) or Descend

- Power, Attitude to 2 degrees (just below line), then Trim
- Scan altitude, vertical speed, heading
- Come out of descend 10% of vertical speed (eg. 400 ft/min turn - start to level out +40 ft.)
- Give youself altitude countdown +200 ft., +100 ft., +50 ft.

When landing
- get "cleared for approach to xx airport"
- you can declare the approach you prefer (if they don't say which one)
- they will then hand you off to the tower/MF (sometimes this happens really late)
- typically you can tune in on the 2nd radio to get ATIS to notify tower/MF you are coming
- they might say "4 on the slope" - this means you have to maintain 4000 intercept

- Pay attention to left (non-standard) or right (standard)
- ensure you have: Note time (drop dead time to get on to alternate depending on fuel requirements: Holding Time Available = Fuel - Reserve Fuel + To Alternate Fuel)
- slow down before getting into hold, take winds into consideration
- if hold is not published, you should hold on inbound track
- re. winds - you can add double surface winds and add 30 degrees to surface winds
- timing
- don't wait for NDB to go 360, begin turn when its abeam
- start outbound when you are abeam (NDB) / FROM to TO (VOR)
- start when you rollout of track to inbound
- adjust outbound so its 1 min. (under 14,000 ft.) or 1.5 min. (over 14,000 ft.)
- headwind on outbound, reduce outbound / tailwind on outbound, increase outbound
- call entering hold, call established hold

Turn Procedure
- You don't need to follow the procedure turn diagram indicated in the chart
- You can use other variations, as long as you are on the procedure turn side indicated in the chart (90 degrees + 270 degrees, or circle / 1 min. turn, 2 min. parallel typically)
- Don't blow the SAFE distance (typically 10 NM from NDB)
- (on non-standard procedure turns, start timing after crossing center line)
- Do not descend to fix altitute before inbound (intermediate leg) path to fix
- Do prelanding checks on outbound (but keep carb heat off and flaps up until approach)
- Procedure turn: call beacon inbound (for procedure turn), beacon outbound (on procedure turn), intercept ILS or NDB

- **can only decend to fix after intercepting final course**
- setup speeds with flap settings *prior* to intercepting fix so that you can keep track of time
- pick a speed that is favourable and *maintain* that speed throughout
- start timing after becon completes rotation
- for non-precision decend to MDA and continue at MDA height looking for runway till time runs out (so that you don't go missed prior to getting to runway sighting)
- start looking a mile back (approx 40 seconds back?)
- when circling, never loose sight of runway
- when circling, maintain the preset speed and keep bank to under 30 degrees
- Need to be at MSA during procedure turn ; can only decend to specified altitude for approach after intercepting final approach course
- follow the approach vertical and horizontal on intercept in final approach fix - be at intercept altitude to intercept vertical ** do not decend immediatly to fix altitude (as in NDB) **
- Give youself altitude countdown +200 ft., +100 ft., +50 ft.
- don't chase needle, just make sure it doesn't move the opposite way / arrest needle moment

Other things learned:
Engine managment is must:
- start at 500 rpm and slowly increase after stablization
- lean 1 inch after startup
- power up and down gently

Communications failure: FIRST SET TRANSPONDER TO 7600

- ensure that all electricals are off (so you don't have a power surge)
- starve the engine first by pulling mixture, then turn off mags

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