Friday, April 03, 2009

IFR Written Notes - Part 2 - IFR Charts, Procedures, Planning

Com Failure Procedures
- Assigned by ATC, Expected Clearance
- Radar Vectored? Direct to fix, route or airway
- OR Flight Planned Route

Altitude - Highest Of
- Altitude last assigned and acknowledged
- Minimum IFR Altitude
- Altitude ATC said to expect
- Radar Vectored? Climb to minimum IFR Altitude until arrival at FIX/ROUTE/ARRIVAL

Descent for Approach - Later of
- Original ETA
- ETA Notified or Acknowledged by ATC
- Expected approach time

- Leave at EFC / EAC
- If Hold Fix is not Approach Fix, leave fix at EAC time
- If you have not received fix time, procced to fix and commence descent

Holds - if you were given a leave time before reaching hold
- You can slow down airplane so as to reach the fix at the leave time!

Use Ground Speed calculated from TAS, not IAS or CAS for calculations
PAR approach procedures in the GEN section of CAP


XX Degrees set (eg. 120 degrees)
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Downslope Low High Approach
Upslope High Low Approach
Narrow High Low Approach
Wide Low High Approach
Rain Close to runway High Approach
Bright Runway Low High Approach

Clearance - CRAFT

1. ATC Clears Ident
2. Clearance Limit
3. Route
4. Altitude
5. Frequency
6. Traffic / Special Instructions

Approach Ban
- A 1200
- A/B 1200 / 600
- A 1200
- NOTE THAT THE VIS (IN SM) AND RVR IS ADVISORY AND FOR FLIGHT PLANNING ONLY!! Eg. if it says 2600 RVR - doesn't apply for approach / Ceiling is the only thing that matters unless you run into the above (A, A/B, C) constraints or if below 1/4 SM ???
- Exceptions to Minimum RVR
1. Passed Outer Marker
2. Training flight with missed intended
3. Ground Vis > 1/4 when RVR fluctuating above and below minimum
4. Precision approach to CAT III minima

CAT I - 300 FT?
CAT II - 250 FT?
CAT III - 100 FT?
GPS Minima - 250 FT

When maintaining 3 degree glidescope
Strong headwind - decrease in ground speed, decrease in descent
Strong tailwind - increase in ground speed, increase in descent

Rate of Descent for 3 degree slope should be ground speed x 5

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