Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Multi-Engine Rating Lesson 3

No ground lesson today.  I got to the hanger early to pre-flight.  We took on fuel and we were off.  My pre-printed labels came in handy for passenger briefing (give prior to start) and take-off briefing (give after run-up)

I learned something new - passenger briefing as a flow.  Let me explain. Starting off from the back to the front goes much easier.

Starting from the back:
  • Baggage limits and stowing, first aid kit in the back, fire extinguisher between the seats in the front, exits left and right, and exit through baggage compartment, ELT, 
...to the Front:
  • Stay clear of controls, no smoking, no talking when radios are active. Make sure your seats are secure/upright, seat belts are on and the doors are locked.
Taxi onto runway:
  • Steeper turn onto active so that I have most of the runway available
  • Rotate at 71
  • Count commit time
  • Retract Gear, Flaps
  • Reduce climb angle to 90, Climb Power (at what Alt?)
  • You'll be doing a lot of cruise checks - so better do it from memory (with checklist handy)
  • Watch for your altitude 
Steep turns:
  • Lookouts
  • Clearing Turns
  • Get into 45 degree turn right away
  • Maintain altitude and know when to roll out (10 when left, 15 when right? - also know when to add/remove power to maintain altitude)
Reduced Speed Flight:
  • Do HASEL checks (need to recover 2000 ft above - so if ground is 500 ft, 4000 is a comfortable height) 
  • Have the Engine checks go faster
Stall Entry (Transition to a Clean then Dirty)
  • Power down to 15" - watch for sink (hold attitude up to bleed off airspeed, adjust alt with power)
  • Add Gear, go to 16" to maintain (adjust alt with power)
  • Add Flaps, go to 17" - your nose is going to go down (put nose down, but don't gain speed - compensate with power)
  • Cruise Check
Recover from Stall
  • First nose down to build to 71 kts
  • then add power (not abruptly)
  • Cruise Check
Engine Outs
  • Remember to ask for Feather
  • Know the checklist for restart (no fire/no oil)
  • Reduce speed to 85 (to save the engine from burning up)
  • Cruise Check
  • Counter intuitive, but push down nose to build speed to 71 kts (Vxse)
  • ONLY then mix, power (abruptly), prop, gear up, flaps up
  • If adding power without airspeed then GAME OVER!
  • Climb out at 85 kts
  • Cruise check
Landing with one engine
  • Mix, pitch prop
  • Leave gear down
  • Feather 
  • 85 kts
  • Left hand for air speed, Right hand for power (expect to use rudder)

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