I learned something new - passenger briefing as a flow. Let me explain. Starting off from the back to the front goes much easier.
Starting from the back:
- Baggage limits and stowing, first aid kit in the back, fire extinguisher between the seats in the front, exits left and right, and exit through baggage compartment, ELT,
- Stay clear of controls, no smoking, no talking when radios are active. Make sure your seats are secure/upright, seat belts are on and the doors are locked.
Taxi onto runway:
- Steeper turn onto active so that I have most of the runway available
- Rotate at 71
- Count commit time
- Retract Gear, Flaps
- Reduce climb angle to 90, Climb Power (at what Alt?)
- You'll be doing a lot of cruise checks - so better do it from memory (with checklist handy)
- Watch for your altitude
Steep turns:
- Lookouts
- Clearing Turns
- Get into 45 degree turn right away
- Maintain altitude and know when to roll out (10 when left, 15 when right? - also know when to add/remove power to maintain altitude)
Reduced Speed Flight:
- Do HASEL checks (need to recover 2000 ft above - so if ground is 500 ft, 4000 is a comfortable height)
- Have the Engine checks go faster
Stall Entry (Transition to a Clean then Dirty)
- Power down to 15" - watch for sink (hold attitude up to bleed off airspeed, adjust alt with power)
- Add Gear, go to 16" to maintain (adjust alt with power)
- Add Flaps, go to 17" - your nose is going to go down (put nose down, but don't gain speed - compensate with power)
- Cruise Check
Recover from Stall
- First nose down to build to 71 kts
- then add power (not abruptly)
- Cruise Check
Engine Outs
- Remember to ask for Feather
- Know the checklist for restart (no fire/no oil)
- Reduce speed to 85 (to save the engine from burning up)
- Cruise Check
- Counter intuitive, but push down nose to build speed to 71 kts (Vxse)
- ONLY then mix, power (abruptly), prop, gear up, flaps up
- If adding power without airspeed then GAME OVER!
- Climb out at 85 kts
- Cruise check
Landing with one engine
- Mix, pitch prop
- Leave gear down
- Feather
- 85 kts
- Left hand for air speed, Right hand for power (expect to use rudder)
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