Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Forced Landing

When engine power fails, it is required to execute a forced landing. While flying, always keep your eye out for a field.

Remember: #1 priority is to make the field.

1. Set BEST GLIDE speed (60 KIAS)
2. CARB heat on
- this will fix issues such
- 1. air intake blocked (because this is alternate air source)
- 2. carb icing
- 3. mixture gets richer
3. Find place to land
4. Determine key points (final, base which is 45 degrees from runway)
5. CAUSE check
6. CABIN Check and passenger briefing: ELT, Fire E., seatbelts, crash position, etc.
7. COMMUNICATIONS : Mayday - Transponder to 7700.
8. Shutdown check (as in POH: master off after flaps, mags off, doors unlatch, etc.)

Too low (less than 1000 AGL), turn early from key point
Too high (more than 1000 AGL), go past key point

Links: http://www.mpaviation.com/lessn17.htm

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