Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Performance Landings

Performance Landings

During this time when the student is practicing solo takeoffs and landings, instructor time with the student is spent on teaching the student what is called performance takeoffs and landings: soft field, short field, soft/short field with obstacle:

Short Field

Leave power on for an extra 5-10 sec. when turing base to give yourself a higher approach
Put down full flaps either mid/turn-final
Aim at point slightly before target touchpoint (to allow for flare)
With full flap, speeds to be at 65 KIAS on final slowing to 55 KIAS over numbers at power to idle
Touchdown firmly and almost flat
On runway, apply max breaking and retract flaps to provide tire friction
Call out "simulated heavy braking" for simulation

Soft Field

Approach as in Short Field
Add touch of power to minimize rate of descent
Hold aileron off the runway for as long as possibe, so that it gently settles on main gear
Hold nosewheel off for as long as you can and let it settle to ground when you want to
Do NOT apply any brakes, let the plane slow down on its own
For training purposes, brake normally once excercise is complete

Short Field with Obstacle

Same as Short Field, except clear obstacle by at least 25 feet

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