Saturday, September 04, 2004

Slow Flight, Stalls, Steep Turns:

The student is now ready to go solo to the practice area and practice slow flight, stalls, steep turns, etc. HASEL check should be done prior to these procedures.


Height above 4000 ft.
Area not built up
Secure – doors/windows/seatbelts/objects
Engine – primer locked, master on, alternator on, mags both, unnecessary electrics off, oil pres./temp. green, carb hot, mixture rich, fuel on;
Lookout – 90 degree to left (look at heading indicator and stop at 90 <-) and 90 degree to right ->)

Flapless Stall Entry

Power to idle (control yaw with rudder)
Maintain Altitude by pulling back on control

Flap Stall Entry

Power to 1500 RPM
Flaps at 20 degrees, count till 7
Maintain Altitude by pulling back control

Stall Recovery:

Control – Nose down (no dives, to regain flight attitude at level, use rudder)
Power – Full Throttle, Carb Cold
Drag - Flaps UP

Spin Entry:

YAW in direction of wing drop in stall (fully stalled is prerequisite)
Only done in certified aircraft by instructor.

Spin Recovery:

In spin, the airspeed will be constant or low at stalling speed

Power OFF (Throttle to idle, carb cold, flaps off)
Control – Full opposite rudder, hold till rotation stops, control column forward (full forward might be required)
Power ON – Throttle Full, Carb Cold, Flaps off

Spiral Recovery:

In descent, airspeed, descent and wing load will be increasing

Power Off
First Neutralize Ailerons – roll wings to level
Then Pull out of dive.(otherwise it aggrevates spiral)
Apply power after airspeed down

Slow Flight Entry:

Pick a point on the nose (to try hold heading )
Reduce Power to 1500 RPM (or reduce RPM in 100 RPM stages)
Carb HOT
Trim to maintain altitude
Drop Flaps 20 degrees when airspeed in White Arc
Adjust Pitch
At desired A/S, adjust power (2000 – 2200 RPM Right Rudder) Altitude should not increase/decrease
Add power during turns
Add full power for climbs (not adjusting pitch)

Slow Flight Recovery:

Full power, right rudder, Carb COLD
Lower nose for A/S to increase
Flaps up in stages

Steep Turns:

Pick a point on the nose (so that you can come back to that point)
Note heading indicator
Make lookouts (left and right)
Roll through 30 degrees (wing strut parallel to ground)
Roll through to 45 degrees increasing power and pulling control column back
Keep horizon line on windshield constant
Don’t let altitude to drop
Roll back 20 degrees prior to start heading

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