Sunday, March 13, 2005


Basically (a) who you are speaking to
(b) who you are
(c) intentions
(d) position (altitude and position relative to whereever)

Before taxi -
"City Ground, this is GGNJ with information xx"
"City Ground, GGNJ would like taxi instructions from main apron to active circuit to xx"
"GGNJ to hold short of x-x"

Ready for takeoff -
"City Tower, this is GGNJ ready for take off" and "request..." for performance takeoff

"City Tower, this is GGNJ at Base - touch and go (or full-stop landing) at runway x-x"

Clear of zone-
"City Tower, this is GGNJ at the beaches at 2,400 ft. clear of zone"

"Lindsay UNICOM, this is C-150 GGNJ, go ahead advisories"
"Lindsay Traffic, this is C-150 GGNJ five minues south-west of Lindsay at 2,400 ft. coming into zone for a touch and go"
"Lindsay Traffic, GGNJ up-wind and joining downwind for runway x-x"
"Lindsay Traffic, GGNJ on downwind"
"Lindsay Traffic, GGNJ on final"
"Lindsay Traffic, GGNJ clear of runway"
"Lindsay Traffic, GGNJ on-route to city center VFR at 2,400 ft."
"Lindsay Traffic, GGNJ clear of zone, on-route to city center VFR at 2,400 ft."
SWITCH to 126.7

"Muskoka Radio, this is C-150 GGNJ, go ahead advisories"
"Muskoka Radio, this is C-150 GGNJ five minues south-west of Muskoka at 2,400 ft. coming into zone for a touch and go"
"MR, GGNJ up-wind and joining downwind for runway x-x"
"MR, GGNJ on downwind"
"MR, GGNJ on final"
"MR, GGNJ clear of runway"

"Terminal C, this is C-150 GGNJ"
"Terminal C, GNJ at xx at 2,400 ft. would like flight following"
"Terminal C, GNJ is switching over to ottawa tower, thanks for flight following"

> 125.1 frequency - 7700 transponder code
"mayday mayday mayday; this is C172 GGNJ with engine failure in Clarmont training sector Bravo 3 NM NE of Claremont with two soles on board; making emergency landing; plane is white with brown trim"