Monday, October 04, 2004

Circuit Procedures

Circuit Procedures

After completing solo for five hours within gliding distance of airport, doing landings and takeoffs ad nausea, these circuit procedures (including crosswind takeoffs and landings) becomes almost second nature. Below is my memory jog (i.e. things I used to foget) on basic takeoffs and landings:

Circuits Memory Jog for Sushee

Take off

Rotate at 55
Don’t be afraid to use RUDDER
Maintain climb out attitude and 70 KIAS

Crosswind Turn

Keep climb going
Gentle Turn
Remember to level off at circuit height (Attitude, Power, then Trim)
Don’t be afraid to use RUDDER


Do anything that is necessary to maintain circuit height
Downwind check from memory


Announce Intentions ("City Tower, this is GGNJ, touch-and-go runway 2-4")
Power, hold attitude for airspeed to decrease
Flaps (slow count till 7)
Establish and maintain 65 KIAS (20 degree flaps; 70 KIAS for 0 degree flaps, 60 KIAS for 40 degree flaps)


Get runway between your legs
Crosswind input – Slight aileron as required and lots of RUDDER
Power = Altitude ; Pitch = Speed
Take power out completely before landing
Flare with Cruise Attitude and then Nose up


Power on full first then carb off
Positive rate of climb
Flaps up in increments ; hold nose for positive rate of climb